Trash~Recycling~ Yard Waste

Our contract is with Waste Management (WM) 1/1/2024-12/31/28.  

Pick-up is on Thursdays.

Set out by 6:00 a.m.

Per City Code: do not set out any earlier than the evening before pickup.

Deviation from this policy may result in trash not being picked up.

Holiday Schedule -- No pickup on these days.  Service is delayed one day.

Call Customer Service 800-964-8988 to be placed on automated call list for changes in pickup service and other information.

You may view the Holiday Schedule online.

• New Year's Day

• Martin Luther King Jr. Day

• Memorial Day

• 4th of July

• Labor Day

• Thanksgiving Day

• Christmas Day 

Household Trash (Cart with the black lid)

• All trash should be placed in bags and placed inside the cart. 

• Place your cart at the curb by 6 a.m. each Thursday. 

• Make sure the arrows on the cart are pointing toward the street (hinges toward your house). 

• Any trash that does not fit in the cart should be in a bag with a sticker. 

• Stickers for extra bags are available by calling WM (1-800-964-8988). 

• The first trash day after the 4th of July and Christmas will not require a sticker or additional bags. 

• The cart(s) belongs to Waste Management. The original owner will be charged for a replacement if it is missing for any reason.

Recycling (Cart with the yellow lid) 

• Recyclables should be placed loosely inside the cart (no bags, please). 

• Place the Recycling Cart at least 3 feet away from the Trash Cart.

See below for a list of permitted and non-permitted items.

(a) “Recyclables” means the following materials, but only if they are dry, loose (i.e., not bagged), unshredded and empty: aluminum cans, PET bottles with the symbol #1 (with screw tops only), mail,  magazines, glossy inserts and pamphlets, newspaper, HDPE plastic bottles and containers with the symbol #2 (milk jugs, detergent containers, and shampoo bottles, etc.), uncoated paperboard (e.g., cereal  boxes; food and snack boxes), PP plastic bottles and containers with symbol # 5 (e.g., yogurt containers, syrup bottles), uncoated printing, writing and office paper, steel and tin cans, uncoated old corrugated  containers/cardboard (e.g., moving boxes, pizza boxes), and any color glass food and beverage containers

(b) The following materials are not Recyclables: plastic bags and bagged materials (even if containing recyclables), microwavable trays, porcelain and ceramics, mirrors, window or auto glass, light bulbs,  coated cardboard, soiled paper, including paper plates and cups, plastics not listed above including but not limited to those with symbols #3, #4, #6, #7 and unnumbered plastics, including utensils, expanded  polystyrene, coat hangers, glass and metal cookware/bakeware, household appliances and electronics, hoses, cords, wires, yard waste, construction debris, and wood, flexible plastic or film packaging and  multi-laminated materials, needles, syringes, iv bags or other medical supplies, food waste and liquids, containers containing such items, textiles, cloth, or any fabric (e.g., bedding, pillows, sheets),  Excluded Materials or containers which contained Excluded Materials, napkins, paper towels, tissue, paper plates, and paper cups, any Recyclables less than 4” in size in any dimension, propane tanks,  fuel cannisters, batteries and any other material that does not fall within the definition of Recyclables.

Yard Waste

• Yard waste items should be in KRAFT paper bags.  Weekly collection of up to 10 bags/tied bundles (4' x 18") allowed each week, except between week 2 of January through February when pickups are made on call at 1-800-964-8988.